Core Rider Fitness

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How mindset affects your results both with riding and fitness

“I was so disconnected to Lottie & we weren’t flowing at all…”

What role does mindset play when it comes to fitness and riding?

Mindset plays a massive role in fitness, riding, work and day to day tasks. Having a positive mindset will make all the difference to your performance in training both in and out if the saddle.

Being in the right headspace before getting on the horse can determine how that ride will go, wether that be at home or at a competition.

A negative mindset will not only then send mixed messages to your horse but also leave you distracted and disconnected to your horse.

I have a good example of this, I was asked to ride to ride in a demo a few weeks ago, which was really exciting as I have only ridden in one before. Tickets had sold out and there was a large crowd. I was supposed to ride my advanced medium freestyle for the first time on my lovely little mare Lottie. However, I was a muddle of emotions having gone through a breakup the day before. I thought I was relaxed and confident but Lottie picked up exactly how I was feeling and I couldn’t even ride my freestyle. I left the arena in tears but was completely my fault.

I then went back to the venue the next day for training, I explained what had happened to my trainer who calmed me down let me warm up in a very relaxed way and I then rode through the freestyle really well.

Had I explained to Gaynor what was going on she wouldn’t have made me ride in the demo. She said that I was a shadow of myself and it was like I wasn’t there. So true. I was so disconnected to Lottie and we weren’t flowing at all. I wasn’t in the right mindset.

Had I known how to get myself in the right frame of mind, the demo could’ve gone very differently.

So how does this work when it comes to fitness?….

“Reflect on your why & remind yourself of the buzz you will feel after…”

How does mindset play a role in your training?

Being in the right mindset can make all the difference when it comes to how your workout goes. I know we aren’t always going to be in the mood to workout but having a reason why you are training and being 100% committed makes all the difference.

Most days even when you don’t feel like working out it can leave you feeling positive and motivated for the rest of your day, which is why so many people like training in the morning. But having that positive attitude going into the workout can be the difference between actually pushing yourself and giving in.

My 12 week program is designed to get you results in the saddle and leave you filled with that endorphin rich buzz. But, I would also like to be able to help you get into that positive, motivated mindset that allows you to reach your full potential with your training and allow you to progress in your riding as a result.

Tips and tricks to help improve your mindset with training & riding:

. Find your why- You don’t need to be professional rider to have big goals and dreams with your riding. So set them, with a time frame. Be realistic, but push yourself. Same goes with your training, WHY do you want to train? Write it down.

.Focus on the process more than the results- The key to maintaining your results in the long term is learning to enjoy the process. Same goes with our riding, we don’t just do it for the rosettes- yes they are a given bonus that we should celebrate, but we love the process of the sport and all the hard work that goes into it. Having the right mindset will allow you to be more present and enjoy your training and riding.

.Ditch the all or nothing mindset- I understand that asking everyone to be able to commit an hour to workout six times per week is unrealistic for most people, which is why my 12 week program is made up of four 30 minute workouts per week. Everyone can commit to that, even if you have to split the workouts into two 15 minute sessions that you do throughout the day. Consistency is key so go at your own pace, on the days that you choose and you will see results.

.Celebrate the small wins- Something we need to do more with both riding and fitness. It doesn’t have to be a competition win or learning a new move, or jumping higher, but noticing the little things that we should celebrate. Maybe you managed another rep or two with an exercise, or even you felt more confident in the saddle that day, that should be noticed and celebrated. Remember when your goal with riding was to learn rising trot? Exactly. We need to learn to reflect on how far we’ve come instead of constantly pressuring ourselves to be ‘better’.

Most importantly….

.Don’t underestimate the power of your thoughts- Take time to be aware of the thoughts going through your mind. Be present, and don’t allow negative thoughts to take over. I like to look myself in the mirror when I’m putting my hat on before a competition and tell myself that I deserve to be there and that I can only do my best. This would look slightly different before a workout, I would reflect on my WHY and remind myself on the buzz I will feel after a session.

Be present, remember your ‘why’, enjoy the process & celebrate the small wins!

Contact me about programs to help give you and your horse a more balanced ride!

X Lucy